All India Madhya Pradesh West Bengal Lakshadweep Tripura Andaman and Nicobar Islands Bihar Mizoram Central India Meghalaya East India Daman and Diu Himachal Pradesh Odisha West India Maharashtra Chandigarh Telangana Uttarakhand Sikkim Punjab Karnataka Gujarat Uttar Pradesh Assam Pondicherry Kerala Haryana Jammu and Kashmir Goa Delhi Jharkhand Manipur North India Rajasthan Arunachal Pradesh South India Tamil Nadu Dadra and Nagar Haveli Nagaland Chhattisgarh Andhra Pradesh
Product Description
Known for its sturdy construction, compact design and impeccable performance, this Durability Tester checks the durability of garment & its components, pleat retention, print durability, and quilted waddings, flock retention, cockling, seer sucker, crinkle and collars and cuffs. The offered tester is fully designed to meet the requirements of Marks and Spencer Fabric Durability (C15) and Print Durability (P5) methods of test. Due to its features like enhanced service life, the offered Durability Tester is highly demanded in the market.